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10 Legit Ways To Make Money With WhatsApp Channel? (#4 is My Favorite)


WhatsApp is one of the most popular and widely used messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users.

But did you know that you can also use WhatsApp to make money?

Yes, you read that right.

WhatsApp is not just a platform for chatting, calling, or sharing media, but also a potential source of income for anyone who knows how to use it smartly.

In this article, we will show you how to make money with WhatsApp channels.

We will tell you 10 legit ways to earn money from the WhatsApp channel, and how to implement them effectively.

Whether you are a business owner, a marketer, a creator, or an influencer, you can use these hacks to monetize your WhatsApp channel and generate passive income. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

10 Legit Ways To Make Money with WhatsApp Channel

#1. Sell your products or services on WhatsApp Channel

If you have a product or service that you want to sell, you can use WhatsApp channel to promote it and reach your potential customers.

You can create a catalog of your products or services, share images, videos, or links, and accept payments through WhatsApp Pay.

You can also use WhatsApp Business API to automate your communication and customer service.

Related: How I am making $$$ From Blogging?

What Type of Products or Services To Sell Through WhatsApp Channel?

You can sell a variety of products on WhatsApp, depending on your target market, your business goals, and your customer preferences. Some examples of products that you can sell on WhatsApp are:

Digital products: such as e-books, online courses, software, music, videos, etc. These products are easy to deliver via WhatsApp, as you can send them as files or links to your customers.

You can also use WhatsApp to provide customer support, updates, and feedback for your digital products.

Fashion and accessories: such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, etc. These products are popular among WhatsApp users, especially in emerging markets like India and Brazil.

You can use WhatsApp to showcase your products using product cards or catalogs, send personalized recommendations, offer discounts and promotions, and collect payments.

Food and beverages: such as cakes, cookies, chocolates, coffee, tea, etc. These products are suitable for WhatsApp sales if you have a local customer base and a fast delivery service.

You can use WhatsApp to take orders, confirm availability, send invoices, and notify customers about the delivery status.

Beauty and wellness: such as cosmetics, skincare, haircare, perfumes, etc. These products are in high demand among WhatsApp users, especially women.

You can use WhatsApp to demonstrate your products using videos or photos, share testimonials and reviews, offer tips and advice, and upsell or cross-sell related products.

Services: such as coaching, consulting, tutoring, photography, etc. These services are ideal for WhatsApp sales if you can provide them online or remotely.

You can use WhatsApp to communicate with your clients, schedule appointments, send reminders, share resources and materials, and collect feedback.

These are just some examples of products that you can sell on WhatsApp. You can also sell other types of products that suit your niche and audience.

The key is to use WhatsApp as a tool to build trust and rapport with your customers, provide value and convenience, and create a memorable shopping experience.

#2. Promote Affiliate Links To Your Followers

Affiliate marketing is a way of earning commissions by promoting other people’s products or services.

You can join an affiliate program that suits your niche, find relevant products or services to promote and share your affiliate links with your WhatsApp channel subscribers.

You will earn a commission every time someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase.

How to earn a good $$$ affiliate commission with the WhatsApp channel?

If you want to earn a good affiliate commission with the WhatsApp channel, you need to follow some steps and tips. Here are some of them:

Choose a niche and products that are relevant, popular, and profitable. You can use tools like Google Trends, Amazon Best Sellers, or EarnKaro to find out what products are in demand and have good commission rates.

Join an affiliate network or program that offers products in your niche.

You can sign up for platforms like Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate, or EarnKaro to get access to thousands of products and brands that you can promote on WhatsApp.

Create an attractive and engaging WhatsApp profile that showcases your expertise and credibility. You can use your name, photo, bio, and status to tell your audience who you are and what you offer.

Build a loyal and responsive WhatsApp audience that trusts you and values your recommendations.

You can create WhatsApp groups or broadcast lists for different segments of your audience, such as friends, family, colleagues, customers, etc. You can also join existing WhatsApp groups that are related to your niche and share valuable content with them.

Share your affiliate links on WhatsApp in a smart and ethical way. You can use tools like EarnKaro to generate short and customized links that track your sales and commissions.

You can also use WhatsApp features like product cards, catalogs, stickers, or QR codes to make your links more appealing and convenient.

Provide value and support to your WhatsApp audience before and after they buy from your links. You can share useful information, tips, reviews, testimonials, discounts, or bonuses with them.

You can also answer their queries, solve their problems, and collect their feedback using WhatsApp.

Track and optimize your WhatsApp affiliate marketing performance.

You can use tools like Google Analytics, Bitly, or EarnKaro to monitor your traffic, conversions, commissions, and earnings. You can also test different products, links, messages, and strategies to find out what works best for you.

#3. Advertise for other brands or businesses

Another way of making money from the WhatsApp channel is to advertise for other brands or businesses that are related to your niche.

You can charge them a fee for displaying their ads on your channel, or negotiate a revenue-sharing agreement based on the number of views, clicks, or conversions.

How to Get Sponsorships For WhatsApp Channel?

Getting brand sponsorship on WhatsApp channels can be a great way to monetize your content and reach a wider audience.

However, it is not easy to attract and retain sponsors, especially if you are a small or new channel. Here are some tips that might help you:

Create valuable and consistent content.

Sponsors want to work with channels that have a loyal and engaged audience. To achieve this, you need to share content that is relevant, informative, entertaining, or useful for your followers.

You also need to post regularly and maintain a schedule that your audience can expect.

Promote your channel on other platforms.

To grow your WhatsApp Channel, you need to spread the word and invite people to join.

You can do this by cross-promoting your channel on other social media platforms, email newsletters, or your website.

You can also use WhatsApp Status to tease your upcoming content or offer exclusive benefits for joining your channel.

Find brands that align with your niche and audience.

You need to research and identify brands that offer products or services that are related to your channel’s topic and appeal to your audience.

You can use tools like ThoughtLeaders or Podia to find potential sponsors and see what kind of content they are looking for.

Reach out to brands with a professional pitch.

Once you have a list of brands that you want to work with, you need to contact them with a clear and compelling pitch.

You need to introduce yourself, explain what your channel is about, provide some statistics on your audience and engagement, and propose a sponsorship deal that benefits both parties.

You can also include some examples of previous sponsored content or testimonials from other sponsors.

Deliver high-quality sponsored content.

When you get a sponsorship deal, you need to create content that meets the brand’s expectations and satisfies your audience.

You need to follow the brand’s guidelines, disclose the sponsorship, and integrate the brand’s message in a natural and authentic way.

You also need to track and report the performance of your sponsored content and get feedback from the brand.

Build long-term relationships with sponsors.

To get repeat sponsorships and referrals, you need to maintain good communication and trust with your sponsors.

You need to thank them for their support, update them on your channel’s progress, and offer them additional value such as cross-promotion, shout-outs, or giveaways.

You also need to ask for their feedback and suggestions on how to improve your collaboration.

#4. Create and sell digital products

Digital products are products that can be delivered online, such as ebooks, courses, podcasts, videos, etc.

You can create your own digital products based on your expertise, skills, or hobbies, and sell them to your WhatsApp channel followers.

You can use platforms like Gumroad, Teachable, or Podia to create and host your digital products and accept payments through WhatsApp Pay or other methods.

Creating digital products is a great way to share your knowledge, skills, or creativity with the world and earn some income.

Digital products are any products that can be delivered online, such as ebooks, courses, music, videos, software, etc.

There are many benefits to selling digital products, such as scalability, passive income, low overhead costs, and creative freedom.

However, creating digital products also requires some planning, research, validation, marketing, and delivery. Here are some steps you can follow to create and sell digital products online:

Brainstorm ideas. Think of what you are good at, passionate about, or interested in. What problems can you solve for your audience? What value can you provide?

Write down all your ideas and don’t be too critical at this stage.

Validate your ideas. Once you have a list of potential digital product ideas, you need to test them and see if there is enough demand and willingness to pay for them.

You can do this by conducting surveys, interviews, polls, or pre-selling your product before creating it.

Learn from your competitors. Find out who else is selling similar digital products in your niche and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. What can you learn from their strategies, pricing, design, content, etc.?

How can you differentiate yourself from them and offer something unique or better?

Market yourself. Before you launch your digital product, you need to build an audience and generate interest in your offer.

You can do this by creating a landing page, collecting email subscribers, creating a blog or a podcast, using social media platforms, collaborating with influencers or affiliates, etc.

Create your digital product. Depending on the type of digital product you want to create, you may need different tools and skills to produce it.

For example, if you want to create an ebook, you may need a word processor, graphic design software, and a PDF converter.

If you want to create a course, you may need video recording software, a microphone, a screen capture tool, and a learning management system.

These are some general steps to help you create and sell digital products online.

Of course, there are many more details and nuances involved in each step that you may need to consider depending on your specific situation and goals.

If you want to learn more about how to create digital products online, I recommend checking out these resources:

6 Profitable Digital Products To Sell (+ How To Start) (2023) This article from Shopify explains what are digital products, why they are worth selling online, and how to create them in six popular categories: ebooks, courses, music/audio files, photography/videos/graphics/animations/illustrations/stock images/stock footage/stock music/stock sound effects/stock fonts/stock icons/logos/templates/themes/plugins/apps/games/software/webinars/memberships/coaching/consulting.

How to Create Digital Products (That People Actually Want) This article from Copyblogger gives you a five-step guide to creating digital products that appeal to your target audience and solve their problems or fulfill their desires.

101 High-Profit Digital Products (+ How to Sell) (2023) – This article from Sellfy provides you with 101 examples of profitable digital products that you can sell online across various niches and platforms.

How to create a digital product that people really want – This article from Flodesk shows you how to brainstorm, validate, research, market, and create a digital product that people will love and buy.

#5. Offer Paid Subscriptions or Memberships

If you have valuable content or information that you want to share with your WhatsApp channel subscribers, you can offer them paid subscriptions or memberships.

You can charge them a monthly or yearly fee for accessing your exclusive content, such as tips, insights, advice, recommendations, etc.

You can use tools like Substack, Patreon, or Memberful to create and manage your paid subscriptions or memberships.

#6. Collect donations or tips

If you have a loyal and engaged audience that appreciates your content or service, you can ask them for donations or tips to support your work.

You can use platforms like PayPal, Stripe, or Buy Me a Coffee to collect donations or tips from your WhatsApp channel followers.

You can also use WhatsApp Pay to accept payments directly through WhatsApp.

#7. Collaborate with other creators or influencers

Another hack to earn money from the WhatsApp channel is to collaborate with other creators or influencers who have similar or complementary niches.

You can cross-promote each other’s channels, products, services, or content, and share the revenue or exposure.

You can also create joint ventures or partnerships with other creators or influencers to launch new projects or campaigns.

8. Become a reseller

Another way to make money with WhatsApp is to become a reseller of products or services from other businesses or individuals and earn a margin for each sale you make.

You can source products or services from various platforms like Meesho, GlowRoad, Shop101, etc. that allow you to resell their products without any investment or inventory.

You can then share these products or services with your WhatsApp contacts or groups and take orders from them. You can also use the WhatsApp Business app to manage your orders and payments.

9. Create a membership club

Another way to monetize your WhatsApp channel is to create a membership club for your loyal fans or followers and charge them a monthly or yearly fee for joining it.

You can offer exclusive benefits to your members such as access to premium content, discounts, giveaways, shoutouts, etc. You can also create a community for your members and interact with them regularly via WhatsApp messages or calls.

You can use platforms like Memberful, Podia, Mighty Networks, etc. to create and manage your membership club and collect payments from your members.

10. Start a referral program

Another way to earn money with WhatsApp is to start a referral program for your products or services and reward your contacts or groups for referring new customers to you.

You can create a referral link for your products or services and share it with your potential referrers via WhatsApp messages or status updates.

You can also use platforms like ReferralCandy, Viral Loops, GrowSurf, etc. to create and manage your referral program and track your referrals and rewards.

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