Home AI Starry AI Banned Words: Everything You Need To Know

Starry AI Banned Words: Everything You Need To Know


Starry AI is an app that lets you create art with artificial intelligence.

You can type a text prompt and the app will generate an image based on your words. However, some users have found out that the app has a list of banned or restricted words that can affect your art.

What are these words and why are they banned? How do users feel about this censorship and what are some alternatives? This article will explore these questions and more.

The Banned Words and Their Reasons

Some users on Reddit have reported that the app bans or restricts words that are related to nudity, sexuality, violence, or suicide.

Some examples of these words are nude, breasts, butt, mistress, hostess, suicide, lewd, swallow, cleavage, sexually, lascivious, moaning, and virgin.

These words can cause different problems for users who use them in their prompts or character descriptions.

Some users have said that their characters are shadowbanned, meaning that they are not visible to other users or in the search function.

Others have said that their prompts are rejected or modified by the app.

The app has not given a clear explanation for why these words are banned or restricted, but some users have guessed that it is due to legal, ethical, or moral reasons.

Some users have thought that the app is trying to avoid lawsuits or complaints from celebrities, whose images are often used as the basis for the generated art.

Others have thought that the app is trying to make the app more safe and suitable for younger or more sensitive users, who may not want to see explicit or disturbing content.

Some users have also pointed out that the app is publicly available and making money, so it may have some obligation or responsibility to follow certain standards or regulations.

The Users’ Reactions and Alternatives

The users’ reactions to the app’s censorship are mixed. Some users have supported and understood the app’s decision, saying that they respect the app’s right to censor what it can make.

They have also said that they appreciate the app’s creativity and innovation and that they are willing to work around the limitations by using synonyms, euphemisms, or other words that are not banned.

Some users have also said that they find the challenge of finding alternative words to be fun and educational.

However, some users have disagreed and complained about the app’s decision, saying that they feel cheated, betrayed, or deceived by the app.

They have also said that they find the app’s censorship to be arbitrary, inconsistent, or unfair and that they feel that their freedom of expression or artistic vision is being violated.

Some users have also said that they find the app’s restrictions to be unnecessary, excessive, or counterproductive and that they feel that the app is losing its appeal, quality, or value.

Some users have also said that they find the app’s censorship to be hypocritical, illogical, or ineffective and that they feel that the app is still generating inappropriate or offensive content despite the banned words.

Some users have suggested some possible solutions or improvements for the app’s situation.

Some users have proposed that the app should have a clear and transparent list of banned words and that the app should explain the reason behind the ban or restriction of each word.

Some users have also proposed that the app should have a warning or disclaimer system, where users can choose to see or avoid content that may contain banned words or sensitive topics.

Some users have also proposed that the app should have a rating or filtering system, where users can set their own preferences or limits on what kind of content they want to see or create.

Some users have also proposed that the app should have an option or feature to report or flag content that is inappropriate or offensive and that the app should have a moderation or review team to handle such cases.

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