Home Social Apps Instagram Ad Estimated Reach 0-0? (Finally Fixed It!!)

Instagram Ad Estimated Reach 0-0? (Finally Fixed It!!)


Instagram is a good place to advertise your business. You can show your ads to many people who use Instagram every month. You can also choose different types of ads, like pictures, videos, or stories.

But sometimes, you may have a problem with your Instagram ads. They may show no reach, which means that no one sees them.

This is bad for your business because you are wasting your time and money.

Why does this happen, and how can you fix it?

In this article, we will tell you some of the reasons why your Instagram ads show no reach, and what you can do to make them work.

Why Showing Instagram Ad Estimated Reach 0-0?

#1. Facebook Did Not Approve Your Ad

The first and most common reason why your Instagram ads show no reach is that Facebook did not approve them.

Facebook owns Instagram, so they have rules for what kind of ads you can show on both platforms. They check your ads before they run them, and they can reject them if they break the rules.

Some of the rules are:

1. You cannot show ads that are bad for people, like ads that have adult content, illegal products, hate speech, or lies.

2. You cannot show ads that have too many words on the picture, because they look ugly and hard to read.

3. You cannot show ads that have a different website or offer than what you say in the ad, because they can trick or confuse people.

4. You cannot show ads that have a bad website or app, like a website or app that is slow, has pop-ups, or has broken links.

To check if Facebook approved your ad, go to Ads Manager and click on the ad you want to see.

You will see a green dot next to the ad name if it is running, a yellow dot if it is waiting for approval, or a red dot if it is rejected.

If Facebook rejected your ad, you will also see why they rejected it in the Delivery column.

To fix this problem, you need to change your ad and make sure it follows Facebook’s rules. You can also ask Facebook to check your ad again if you think they made a mistake.

#2. Your Tracking Code is Broken

Another potential reason why your Instagram ads show no reach is that your tracking code is broken.

A tracking code is a piece of code that you put on your website or app to measure and improve your ad results. A tracking code lets you:

1. Track conversions, like buying something from your website or app.

2. Optimize delivery, like showing your ads to people who are more likely to buy from you.

3. Create custom audiences, like showing your ads again to people who visited your website or app but did not buy anything.

4. Create lookalike audiences, like finding new people who are similar to your existing customers.

If your tracking code is broken, it means that it is not working properly on your website or app.

This can happen if you made a mistake when you installed the code if you changed something on your website or app that affected the code, or if there was a technical problem with the code.

If your tracking code is broken, you will not be able to see how well your ads are working. You will not be able to see how many people clicked on your ads, visited your website or app, or bought something from you.

You will also not be able to optimize your ads for better results.

To check if your tracking code is broken, go to Events Manager and click on the pixel or app you want to see.

You will see the status of your pixel or app in the Overview section. You will also see a graph that shows how many events your pixel or app recorded over time.

If your tracking code is broken, you will see a red warning that says “No activity yet” or “No recent activity”. You will also see a low or zero event rate, which is how many events your pixel or app recorded out of how many times it was loaded.

To fix this problem, you need to fix your tracking code and make sure it is working properly on your website or app. You can do this by:

1. Checking the installation guide and troubleshooting tips that Facebook provides for pixels and apps.

2. Use the Facebook Pixel Helper or the App Ads Helper to test and debug your pixel or app.

3. Contact Facebook support if you need more help.

#3. Your Audience is Too Small

Another common reason why your Instagram ads show no reach is that your audience is too small.

Your audience is the group of people who can see your ads based on their information and interests. You can choose who you want to show your ads to by using targeting options.

Targeting options are important for showing your ads to the right people at the right time with the right message. But sometimes, you may choose too many targeting options and make your audience too small.

For example, if you only want to show your ads to women who are 18-24 years old, live in New York City, and like yoga, veganism, and astrology, you may not have many people left in your audience.

To check if your audience is too small, go to Ads Manager and click on the ad set you want to see. You will see how many people can see your ad set in the Audience section.

You will also see a meter that shows how big or small your audience is. If your audience is too small, you will see a red warning that says “Your audience selection is fairly narrow.”

To fix this problem, you need to make your audience bigger and include more people who may be interested in your business.

You can also use the suggestions that Facebook gives you to grow your audience. For example, you can:

1. Use automatic placements to show your ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network.

2. Use lookalike audiences to find new people who are similar to your existing customers or followers.

3. Use dynamic ads to show different ads to different people based on what they like or do online.

4. Use broad matches for detailed targeting to show your ads to more people who are interested in related things or words.

#4. You’re Not Winning the Ad Competition

Another possible reason why your Instagram ads show no reach is that you’re not winning the ad competition.

The ad competition is how Facebook decides which ads to show to which people and how much to charge for them.

Every time someone opens Instagram, Facebook runs a competition to choose the best ad for that person based on three things:

1. Bid: The amount of money you’re ready to pay for each result, like seeing your ad, clicking on it, or buying something from it.

2. Estimated action rate: How likely the person is to do what you want them to do, like watching your video, visiting your website, or buying your product.

3. Ad quality and relevance: How good and related your ad is to the person, based on what they say or do, like liking, commenting, sharing, saving, or hiding your ad.

The ad with the highest total value wins the competition and gets shown to the person. The total value is calculated by multiplying the bid, the estimated action rate, and the ad quality and relevance score.

If your ads are not winning the competition, it means that they have a low total value compared to other ads that want to show to the same people.

This can happen if your bid is too low, your estimated action rate is too low, or your ad quality and relevance score is too low.

To check if your ads are losing the competition, go to Ads Manager and click on the campaign you want to see.

You will see how your campaign did over time in terms of impressions, reach, frequency, cost per result, and results in the Delivery column. You will also see a graph that shows these numbers.

If your ads are losing the competition, you will see a low or zero impression rate, which is how often your ads were shown out of how many times they could have been shown.

You will also see a low or zero reach rate, which is how many people saw your ads out of how many people are in your audience.

To fix this problem, you need to increase your total value and win more competitions. You can do this by:

1. Increasing your bid, which is the amount of money you’re ready to pay for each result.

You can either use automatic bidding, which lets Facebook choose the best bid for you based on your budget and goal, or manual bidding, which lets you choose a maximum bid or a target cost for each result.

2. Improving your estimated action rate, which is how likely the person is to do what you want them to do.

You can do this by choosing the right goal for your ad, like awareness, consideration, or conversion; choosing the right type of ad, like pictures, video, carousel, or collection; and using clear and catchy call-to-action buttons, like shop now, learn more, or sign up.

3. Enhancing your ad quality and relevance, which is how good and related your ad is to the person.

You can do this by making interesting and useful content that matches what your audience wants and needs; trying different versions of your ad words, picture, video, headline, and description; and using feedback tools like relevance score, quality ranking, engagement rate ranking, and conversion rate ranking to measure and improve how well your ad works.

#5. You Stopped Your Ad

Another possible reason why your Instagram ads show no reach is that you stopped them. You can stop your ads at any time, for any reason. For example, you may want to change something in your ad, try different ads, or save money.

Sometimes, you may forget to start your ads again after you stop them, or you may stop them by accident.

To check if you stopped your ad, go to Ads Manager and look at the Delivery column. You will see a blue dot next to the ad name if it is running, or a gray dot if it is stopped.

If you stopped your ad by yourself, you can start it again by clicking on the switch next to the ad name.

If Facebook stopped your ad, you will see why they stopped it in the Delivery column. Some of the reasons why Facebook may stop your ad are:

1. You reached your spending limit, which is the maximum amount of money you want to spend on all your ads.

2. You reached your budget limit, which is the maximum amount of money you want to spend on one campaign.

3. Your payment method did not work, which can happen if your credit card expires, you have no money left, or you have a problem.

4. Your ad account has a problem, such as being disabled, restricted, or under review.

To fix this problem, you need to solve the reason why Facebook stopped your ad and start it again.

For example, you can increase your spending limit or budget limit, update your payment method, or contact Facebook support if you have an account problem.


Instagram ads can be a powerful way to grow your business online. But sometimes, they may show no reach, which means that no one sees them.

This can happen for different reasons, such as:

1. Facebook did not approve your ad.

2. You stopped your ad.

3. Your audience is too small.

4. You’re not winning the ad competition.

5. Your tracking code is broken.

To fix these problems, you need to follow the steps we explained in this article.

By doing so, you can make sure that your Instagram ads work well and reach more people who are interested in your business.

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